Bad Breath in a Dog: How to Get Rid of It for Oak Park Pet Owners
For Oak Park pet owners, bad breath in a dog seems like it might be unavoidable, but the truth is, dog bad breath is actually not natural—and it could be a sign of disease. Bad breath, whether in dogs, cats, or humans, is typically caused by the build-up of bacteria, but there can be more…
Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish in Oak Park, IL?
Does your dog emit a fishy odor? It’s actually a very common thing, and no, it has nothing to do with what your dog ate or rolled in. The odor actually comes from your dog’s anal glands, or sometimes called anal sacs, and it’s often a sign of a problem. So what are anal sacs?…
Everything You Need to Know About Dog Intestinal Parasites for Oak Park Pet Owners
Intestinal parasites are not an uncommon issue with dogs in Oak Park, IL. They can come from a variety of sources, and if your dog is afflicted by one, that doesn’t necessarily mean he has been eating something he shouldn’t—although it might. As long as it’s caught and treated early, however, an intestinal parasite should…
Oak Park Pet Owners: How to Recognize the Signs of Cancer in Your Pet
Pet parents have some options to consider when the vet says their pet has cancer. You need to understand the type of cancer your pet has, what the treatments are, and the prognosis you and your pet are facing together. Some of the significant signs of cancer in pets include masses along the jaw or…
Heartworm Disease in Dogs: Why Preventative Medicine Works for Oak Park Pet Owners
Have you ever wondered why you have to give your dog a heartworm treatment every month, or why your vet regularly tests for heartworms? Unfortunately, heartworms are a severe problem for dogs in Oak Park, and they can lead to major complications and even death when they are left untreated. Understanding the heartworm problem is…
Symptoms of Pancreatitis in Dogs for Pet Owners in Oak Park, IL
Have you ever heard of pancreatitis? If you’re a dog owner, it’s important to understand what this illness is, how it happens, how to recognize it, and what to do about it. Pancreatitis is a very serious condition that affects many dogs. Although it’s not entirely preventable, it is possible to make lifestyle changes for…
Symptoms of Kennel Cough for Oak Park Dog Owners
If you’re a dog owner in Oak Park, IL, chances are you’ve probably heard of kennel cough before. Kennel cough is a highly contagious dog illness which is often spread in kennels and shelters, hence its colloquial name. However, there’s more to kennel cough than just coughing, and it’s important to brush up on everything…
My Cat Never Goes Outside in Oak Park: Why Heartworm Preventatives?
Do you have a cat? Does he/she stay indoors more often than not? Is he/she an entirely indoor cat who never goes outside? If this sounds like you and your feline’s situation, then you may often find yourself wondering whether or not it’s really important to give your cat a heartworm preventative. After all, if…
Oak Park Pet Owners: Symptoms and Treatments for a Blocked Cat
When a cat has a urinary tract issue, they may experience symptoms ranging from producing healthy urine or pain. When they are in their litterbox struggling to urinate and cry, they ask you for your help. If your cat is blocked, your vet may need to use a urinary catheter to get the urine out…
Common Foods You Shouldn’t Feed Your Pets in Oak Park, IL
You love your pet, and sometimes, that means you want to share your food with them, too. But did you know that eating table scraps can be dangerous for pets? Although a bite of pet-safe meat or vegetables from your plate every now and then usually won’t hurt anything, there are plenty of foods you…